Georgia O’Keeffe forged a career as one of the most significant artists of the 20th century. She became famous for her paintings of flowers, skyscrapers, and landscapes, yet her lifelong connection to photography has not been explored in depth until now.


Premiering at the MFAH, Georgia O’Keeffe, Photographer is the first exhibition devoted to O’Keeffe’s work as a photographer. Nearly 100 photographs from a newly examined archive reveal the American icon’s Modernist approach to the medium. Complementing the photographs are paintings and drawings to represent the full scope of her career.


Captured on film throughout her life—in early family pictures, travel snapshots, and portraits by a cavalcade of photographic artists—O’Keeffe (1887–1986) was no stranger to the medium. She expressed her unique perspective through all aspects of her life, and by the time she began her photographic practice in the mid-1950s, her singular identity and artistry were well established.